Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Recently, I have been faced with the question of death, in my own personal life when a close teacher of mine died of cancer. She is a wonderful lady. I say "is" because I do believe there is a sort of heaven. To explain fully, I have to go back a little further than birth. I believe in a spirit world before we are even born. We all existed before this world was even created. we all lived with Heavenly Father in the heavens, really. This world did not exist yet. It was a great council in heaven, and Lucifer, who will later be known as Satan, presented a plan not giving us free choice but that everyone would come back to Heavenly Father, but it was all by force. we would not have any say in it. and then, Lucifer wanted all of the glory. Then Jesus came forward and said that he would go down among us and sacrifice himself so that we could have the choice, or will, to make our own decisions. Jesus would sacrific himself selflessly, and break the bonds of death.
Now, those of us who have bodies (every human being since the beginning of the world) chose to follow Jesus' plan for us, because that was adopted. Satan was expelled from heaven, and denied a body. 1/3 of the host of heaven followed him, and they as well were denied a body. this is a very long explenation, but i am getting to my point. because we existed before our bodies were created, we will exists after they have died. I believe that we do not just cease to exist, but that we have a spirit, or soul if you will.
All of this knowledge is almost a comfort to me when she passed because I know where she is.
there is a spirit world, split up into two different parts: one for those who accepted Jesus Christ as the savior and one for those who rejceted Him. but this isn't the end of ends. Those who rejected Him, or never heard of Him still have the oppurtunity to accept Him and be brought into His church. After this stage, when He comes again, we will all be resurrected, just as he was. That is a pretty awesome thought. our bodies will be restored to their perfect state and reunited with our spirits. So, all of this to say: i know where we go when we die. it is not a mystery to me. I am not confused about what happens and I am really not scared.
I know where my teacher went, and she was a faithfilled lady. I know where she is and she is not in pain, and only looks towards the future.