my favorite question that always comes up around this time of year is: wait, do you celebrate christmas?? this is normally followed with: of course, I'm Christian. which then is followed with: but i thought you were mormon?? i just laugh. Yes, but Mormon's are Christians too. I always give the example of: a flower is a plant, but not all plants are flowers. catholics, mormons, protestants, are all christians, but not all christians are catholics, mormong, portestants. But that question always makes me laugh.
I love Christmas. It is just such a wonderful season. Full of love, joy, happiness. I wish that everyone could just stop for a moment in their lives and realize just how wonderful life really is. We are always so caught up in our lives, that when Christmas comes, we take a second to breath, wish each other a Happy Holidays, and then keep on rushing on with our pointless lives. They are only pointless if we can not appreciate the love that is in them, or the people. Sometimes we really do need to stop and smell the roses. This is a reason why God had to create the Sabbath Day, in Order to stop us. We rush around in our lives, going from store to store, job to home, work to bed, all in the hope that we will be successful, but we can't seem to see that the only way we can become truely successful is by working hard, but being able to rest and play just as hard. Look around the mall at this time of year, and everyone is so stressed: finding the perfect present, what if they dont like it, how much money do i have, can i afford this. I get stressed just by thinking about it. I beg you, just stop. It shouldn't matter what is under the tree, but who you are spending time with, Not what is on the table, but who is around the table. we get so caught up in the technicalities of STUFF, that we just can't seem to wrap our heads around the idea that, it really doesn't matter. They don't need the present you are giving them, but the love that should be behind it. Everyone just needs someone to love, and be loved in return. I think that is the important part. Reminding each person that they are loved back. it is so disappointing giving someone a gift, and then not receiving anything in return, not because of the gift, but because your love was not returned.
Love someone this holiday, because you might be the one returning the love.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Why do people have to persecute others? Why can't we just accept everyone for what they believe and who they are? I am sorry if homosexuals are not permitted under Christian teaching to get married. I beleive that if you find the person that you want to spend the rest of your life with, and they happen to be of the same sex, then good for you. Then you are lucky and should be allowed to love that person. But just as you ask for respect, I ask for mine. I am mormon, and while I have different views on things, the Church teaches certain things. Persecuting them for something that they believe is not correct. If you are upset, and anger, then deal with it in other ways then desecrating a Holy Religious place. Freedom of Speech....and Freedom of Religion.....Freedom of Assembly. We enjoy all of these freedoms as Americans. But we should not abuse them. All should be used in peaceful manners. You can public speak out against my religion and my church, but you take it too far when I have to see writings and signs on my temple. the House that I believe is God's House. It breaks my heart. I again apologize if the Christian teachings are not in accordance with your lifestyle, but that is no reason to hate us. I do not hate you. Personally, I believe that those who are not married are called to a life of abstinence and chastity. That applies to everyone. So, it only makes sense then that you too wish to marry. and legally, yes, you should be allowed to get married as well. But you can not expect religion to accept your marriage. I guess that is where the problem lies. seperating church and state, but church effects people's opinions which are then reflecting in the laws. I don't understand it, I am just trying to live my life the best way that I can. I am just desturbed when my religion is singled out. and protested. and desecrated. It reminds me of the angry mobs of the early days of my church. This religion is personal for me, I love it dearly, so it pains me when I see it slandered.
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
After a long and brutul compaign, Barack Obama is going to be our 44th presidnet of the United States of America. I was extatic as I watched the States weigh in, and increasingly more where colored Blue. I find it discouraging, though, when I hear people bash and talk badly about our next president. It talks badly of the American people. We need to support whoever is elected. In the present moment, it is Bush. And there is no excuse for him. This sounds hypocritcal, I know, and I apoligize. I did not agree with Bush, but I also let people have their opinions about him. But if McCain had been elected, I would have supported him, while being a little shocked and disappointed. Those that did not support Obama as the Democratic nominee need to find it in themselves and support him as our President. It was a little harder to support Bush because we had him for 8 years, and his father before that. It is time for a little change. We are now going to be run by Democrats. It is not going to be perfect. No leader is, but he can still be good for the country. I do not think that Obama is perfect, or spotless, but he can still help the country. I am just a little annoyed that the people I heard today were complaining about him, saying that they hate him, that they are scared. You know what? The future is scary. I have no idea what Obama is actually going to do. Remember, he is a politician, and they never uphold on what they say they are going to do. It is hard to base them on what they actually say. It is almost better to judge their character. That is not to say that McCain has a bad character. He loves this country, I know that. And he has the experience, but his judgement of Vice President has to be questioned, and his campaign methods are also raised into question. In no way do I think, though, that he is a horrible person, that I hate him. I have never met either of them. I can only judge what I see on the television and in the news.
I want to see Americans become UNITED! Which is a novel idea (United States of America). Seperate States Unified under one government. It will be a wonderful day when we can all have our opinions and yet respect and understand others'. Both men love this nation and want to serve it. The people spoke and voted for Obama. Maybe he will be the better president, but we only get one chance, and the people want Obama. We must now back him up, and support him.
I'm tired of politics.
I want to see Americans become UNITED! Which is a novel idea (United States of America). Seperate States Unified under one government. It will be a wonderful day when we can all have our opinions and yet respect and understand others'. Both men love this nation and want to serve it. The people spoke and voted for Obama. Maybe he will be the better president, but we only get one chance, and the people want Obama. We must now back him up, and support him.
I'm tired of politics.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
A little change of pace
During the summer, I was a CIT at a Boy Scout Camp. Yes, I am a female, and this works because I am also a venture scout. Its basically a branch of Boy Scouts that co-ed. It is amazing! I spent 6 weeks in the Adirondacks, living in a community with about 10 other males. It totally changes a person's point of view being around the other sex so much. I had very limited contact with females for that time period. I absolutly loved it. Not because I was surrounded by boys, but because I was surrounded by the woods. Yes, I am a nature lover. I meet some interesting characters while I was there, and they all had some influence on me, some more than others.
One of the staff, Dan, is a rather out there kind of guy. He plays guitar and has a sultry voice. He introducd to me Ray Lamontagne, who just came out with a CD. Absolutly amazing! i feel in love with it right away because it is so simple. So calming and inspiring all at the same time. I also read Into the Wild while i was up north. Totally inspiring. I gained a connection with Chris McCandless. We both come from rather disappointing families and want to find ourselves. He ran away, which I don't think I will be able to do. But I do want to escape from the complicated lifestyle that is fasioned for us as children. I need to discover who I am, and what I want without the influence of my parents, especially. I want a simple life, and that is what Chris, or Alex, symbolized for me. A simplier life without the complicated things that tie people down to a job in a cubilce. Man wasn't created to live in a box. I need to see the sky and hear the birds. I think that is also what Ray gives me, is a little sense of the Adirondacks, with his simple voice and just the guitar music. No big bands, just him, his guitar, and his music. So simple, and so comforting.
It is hard to be completely independent when so many people are holding you down. I yearn for the road. I plan to trip across the United States to see my country that I call home for now. I feel so restless, and I want to expand my horizons, meeting new people and seeing new places. I want adventure. I've lived in a box for way to long. This summer gave me a sense of what that would be like, and I loved it. I would be content to live in a tent, sleeping under the stars as my ceiling and going to a new place each day. I would just want someone to share this with, even though that seems contrary to what I have been saying. But this person would have to be intelligent and good company. Also would have to be quiet, but know when to have good conversation. Then again, maybe I'll just go by myself. But then my parents would never let me go. They can't seem to get their heads around the idea that I am growing up and I long to leave soon. I want to miss them. I want to honestly miss them, and the way that they nag me. Right now, its just a bother. I guess religion doesn't really fit in with all of this, except I want to experience the beauty and nature that Heavenly Father has created for us. Humans are destroying it slowly, and soon it will be gone. I want to see it all. I want to be able to say to my children that I had amazing adventures! Not just the boring living in the box. Chris' life is just amazing. I am so jealous of his ambition and guts to go out into the world. I want to do that. i want to live!!
Living at Floodwood truely liberated me, but only for a little while. I soon had to come back down, tie my soul to this uniform that I put on each day, and do the same monotonous routine each and every day. Nothing changes, except for maybe my moods, but even those get into a routine. It is pathetic and NOT how I am suppose to live. I feel the road calling my name, and I must answer it!!
One of the staff, Dan, is a rather out there kind of guy. He plays guitar and has a sultry voice. He introducd to me Ray Lamontagne, who just came out with a CD. Absolutly amazing! i feel in love with it right away because it is so simple. So calming and inspiring all at the same time. I also read Into the Wild while i was up north. Totally inspiring. I gained a connection with Chris McCandless. We both come from rather disappointing families and want to find ourselves. He ran away, which I don't think I will be able to do. But I do want to escape from the complicated lifestyle that is fasioned for us as children. I need to discover who I am, and what I want without the influence of my parents, especially. I want a simple life, and that is what Chris, or Alex, symbolized for me. A simplier life without the complicated things that tie people down to a job in a cubilce. Man wasn't created to live in a box. I need to see the sky and hear the birds. I think that is also what Ray gives me, is a little sense of the Adirondacks, with his simple voice and just the guitar music. No big bands, just him, his guitar, and his music. So simple, and so comforting.
It is hard to be completely independent when so many people are holding you down. I yearn for the road. I plan to trip across the United States to see my country that I call home for now. I feel so restless, and I want to expand my horizons, meeting new people and seeing new places. I want adventure. I've lived in a box for way to long. This summer gave me a sense of what that would be like, and I loved it. I would be content to live in a tent, sleeping under the stars as my ceiling and going to a new place each day. I would just want someone to share this with, even though that seems contrary to what I have been saying. But this person would have to be intelligent and good company. Also would have to be quiet, but know when to have good conversation. Then again, maybe I'll just go by myself. But then my parents would never let me go. They can't seem to get their heads around the idea that I am growing up and I long to leave soon. I want to miss them. I want to honestly miss them, and the way that they nag me. Right now, its just a bother. I guess religion doesn't really fit in with all of this, except I want to experience the beauty and nature that Heavenly Father has created for us. Humans are destroying it slowly, and soon it will be gone. I want to see it all. I want to be able to say to my children that I had amazing adventures! Not just the boring living in the box. Chris' life is just amazing. I am so jealous of his ambition and guts to go out into the world. I want to do that. i want to live!!
Living at Floodwood truely liberated me, but only for a little while. I soon had to come back down, tie my soul to this uniform that I put on each day, and do the same monotonous routine each and every day. Nothing changes, except for maybe my moods, but even those get into a routine. It is pathetic and NOT how I am suppose to live. I feel the road calling my name, and I must answer it!!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Recently, I have been faced with the question of death, in my own personal life when a close teacher of mine died of cancer. She is a wonderful lady. I say "is" because I do believe there is a sort of heaven. To explain fully, I have to go back a little further than birth. I believe in a spirit world before we are even born. We all existed before this world was even created. we all lived with Heavenly Father in the heavens, really. This world did not exist yet. It was a great council in heaven, and Lucifer, who will later be known as Satan, presented a plan not giving us free choice but that everyone would come back to Heavenly Father, but it was all by force. we would not have any say in it. and then, Lucifer wanted all of the glory. Then Jesus came forward and said that he would go down among us and sacrifice himself so that we could have the choice, or will, to make our own decisions. Jesus would sacrific himself selflessly, and break the bonds of death.
Now, those of us who have bodies (every human being since the beginning of the world) chose to follow Jesus' plan for us, because that was adopted. Satan was expelled from heaven, and denied a body. 1/3 of the host of heaven followed him, and they as well were denied a body. this is a very long explenation, but i am getting to my point. because we existed before our bodies were created, we will exists after they have died. I believe that we do not just cease to exist, but that we have a spirit, or soul if you will.
All of this knowledge is almost a comfort to me when she passed because I know where she is.
there is a spirit world, split up into two different parts: one for those who accepted Jesus Christ as the savior and one for those who rejceted Him. but this isn't the end of ends. Those who rejected Him, or never heard of Him still have the oppurtunity to accept Him and be brought into His church. After this stage, when He comes again, we will all be resurrected, just as he was. That is a pretty awesome thought. our bodies will be restored to their perfect state and reunited with our spirits. So, all of this to say: i know where we go when we die. it is not a mystery to me. I am not confused about what happens and I am really not scared.
I know where my teacher went, and she was a faithfilled lady. I know where she is and she is not in pain, and only looks towards the future.
Now, those of us who have bodies (every human being since the beginning of the world) chose to follow Jesus' plan for us, because that was adopted. Satan was expelled from heaven, and denied a body. 1/3 of the host of heaven followed him, and they as well were denied a body. this is a very long explenation, but i am getting to my point. because we existed before our bodies were created, we will exists after they have died. I believe that we do not just cease to exist, but that we have a spirit, or soul if you will.
All of this knowledge is almost a comfort to me when she passed because I know where she is.
there is a spirit world, split up into two different parts: one for those who accepted Jesus Christ as the savior and one for those who rejceted Him. but this isn't the end of ends. Those who rejected Him, or never heard of Him still have the oppurtunity to accept Him and be brought into His church. After this stage, when He comes again, we will all be resurrected, just as he was. That is a pretty awesome thought. our bodies will be restored to their perfect state and reunited with our spirits. So, all of this to say: i know where we go when we die. it is not a mystery to me. I am not confused about what happens and I am really not scared.
I know where my teacher went, and she was a faithfilled lady. I know where she is and she is not in pain, and only looks towards the future.
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
R.I.P. Gordon B. Hinckley
A great man of our times passed away in January. The man touched many lives, including mine. He was a strength, a guide, and a wonderful example. He was an instrument in the Lord's hands and was able to accomplish many wonderful and beautiful accomplishments. He was a father, a grandfather and great grandfather. Not only was he a family man, but a man of the Church. He had faith and a strong testimony which many people could hold on to for support. I saw him once, pretty up close, and he was so happy. He was such a joyful man. His name was Gordon B. Hinckely. the 15th president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. He was not afraid to talk with the media or talk about our religion openly. He encouraged it, if anything else. He encouraged the education of women, and loved the youth. I will miss this man, but he is in eternity with his wife, whom he loved and missed dearly. He is at peace, with our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
God Head
one of the most controversial parts of Mormonism, beside the plural wives thing, is the First Vision, as we "cult" members call it. So, as we believe it happend, from a first hand writting of it, was that Joseph Smith (the founder of the religion) had questions about religion (and not to offend anyone here) he went into the woods to pray to God because of a scripture that he had read in James 1:5: if any man lacks widsom, let him ask of God. So Joseph, who was only about 14 at the time, went to ask God about religion. he wanted to know which church to join, which I think shows a lot of maturiy.
The contraversial part comes in the next part: Joseph claims that he personally saw not only Jesus Christ, but also God the Father. this totally debuncks the whole trinity theory of the Catholic, along with the "God is love" theory. This (if believed, of course) shows that God has a body and that He and Jesus Christ are two different personages. If this is not believed by people, then the whole religion seems like a cult, or a scam. I believe it. and here are some reasons of why I believe it:
Prophets of old, such as Abraham, Jacob, and Moses, were able to talk face to face with God, if the Bible is to be believed. It is also said in the scriptures that God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow and forever. so, if he is so constant, then why would he change this basic principle of having not only a prophet, or a leader, on the earth, but one that He personally talks to and gives direction to.
Another reason is during Jesus Christ's baptism, how can God the Father talk from Heaven and be in the form of a dove AND be present as Jesus Christ all at once? That would be defying the laws of nature, and since God created the laws of nature He also has to abide by them.
The contraversial part comes in the next part: Joseph claims that he personally saw not only Jesus Christ, but also God the Father. this totally debuncks the whole trinity theory of the Catholic, along with the "God is love" theory. This (if believed, of course) shows that God has a body and that He and Jesus Christ are two different personages. If this is not believed by people, then the whole religion seems like a cult, or a scam. I believe it. and here are some reasons of why I believe it:
Prophets of old, such as Abraham, Jacob, and Moses, were able to talk face to face with God, if the Bible is to be believed. It is also said in the scriptures that God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow and forever. so, if he is so constant, then why would he change this basic principle of having not only a prophet, or a leader, on the earth, but one that He personally talks to and gives direction to.
Another reason is during Jesus Christ's baptism, how can God the Father talk from Heaven and be in the form of a dove AND be present as Jesus Christ all at once? That would be defying the laws of nature, and since God created the laws of nature He also has to abide by them.
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