Saturday, August 06, 2011

about no one in particular

A leap of faith and trust
Not just a wide stride
With at least one foot securely on the ground
But a leap
Nothing keeping you
Risking everything
The anticipation and anxiety that builds before
The adrenalin that pumps through during
But it is the fall
When you come crashing back to the world
That leaves the cracks and the scars
But without leaping
How can we touch the stars

Writing words because that is all that I can do now
Sleep will not come to my drowsy eyes
No matter how hard I shut them
Just the flow of my fingers on the keyboard
Letting out the words that burst from my seams
That wish to tell stories of life and lost
To weave stories that will never happen
Even in sleep I spin the tales
Awakening wondering if my entire life
has been just a dream
Glimpses of reality come and go through out
Never wanting to wake, which makes it hard to sleep
Scared that I will never wake again
And then miss out
on the stories that I create
Because one day, one story will come true.
The dreams tug at my heart
Whispering to me, seducing me, to sleep once more
Taking me by the hand
Leading me, guiding me
Back to bed

The stars that night were beautiful
Falling from the sky
Tumbling to unknown locations
Streaming out of sight
Make a wish as the ball of light flashes before your eyes
Wish to be lucky to fall without a net
Let go and trust
Take the leap
Wish to become a star
Shooting from their secure location
To new territories
Blink and you'll miss the chance
The chance to make a million wishes in one night
Don't closer your eyes
Watch the beauty collapse around you

Tell me the things I wish to hear
Gaze at me with those devilish eyes
Clasp onto me and never let me go
As your fingers dig deeper into my flesh
Scared that I will float away
Like a little boy holding onto a balloon
I will float away without your hold
Take possession of me
Lock me away,
I dare you,
In a music box, which only you have the key
My heart is not up for auction
It beats within your chest
You stole it from within me when you held me close
It jumped out of me, and found a home in you,
When you whispered in my ear
Words, breaths, promises,