Wednesday, November 05, 2008


After a long and brutul compaign, Barack Obama is going to be our 44th presidnet of the United States of America. I was extatic as I watched the States weigh in, and increasingly more where colored Blue. I find it discouraging, though, when I hear people bash and talk badly about our next president. It talks badly of the American people. We need to support whoever is elected. In the present moment, it is Bush. And there is no excuse for him. This sounds hypocritcal, I know, and I apoligize. I did not agree with Bush, but I also let people have their opinions about him. But if McCain had been elected, I would have supported him, while being a little shocked and disappointed. Those that did not support Obama as the Democratic nominee need to find it in themselves and support him as our President. It was a little harder to support Bush because we had him for 8 years, and his father before that. It is time for a little change. We are now going to be run by Democrats. It is not going to be perfect. No leader is, but he can still be good for the country. I do not think that Obama is perfect, or spotless, but he can still help the country. I am just a little annoyed that the people I heard today were complaining about him, saying that they hate him, that they are scared. You know what? The future is scary. I have no idea what Obama is actually going to do. Remember, he is a politician, and they never uphold on what they say they are going to do. It is hard to base them on what they actually say. It is almost better to judge their character. That is not to say that McCain has a bad character. He loves this country, I know that. And he has the experience, but his judgement of Vice President has to be questioned, and his campaign methods are also raised into question. In no way do I think, though, that he is a horrible person, that I hate him. I have never met either of them. I can only judge what I see on the television and in the news.
I want to see Americans become UNITED! Which is a novel idea (United States of America). Seperate States Unified under one government. It will be a wonderful day when we can all have our opinions and yet respect and understand others'. Both men love this nation and want to serve it. The people spoke and voted for Obama. Maybe he will be the better president, but we only get one chance, and the people want Obama. We must now back him up, and support him.
I'm tired of politics.

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